Angela Birrer, Barbara Bosshard, Jenny Schäubli, Nagy Makhlouf20th Sep 2023 11:00 CETChair of Architecture and Care, HIL E 70.5
Invited guest:
Angela Birrer is an anthropologist at ETH Wohnforum, bridging academia and urban development by exploring diverse perspectives to shape innovative, sustainable communities.
Barbara Bosshard has been president of queerAltern since 2019. She worked for Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) for many years and has written two books on queerness.
Jenny Schäubli is an interior designer and member of queerAltern, with the recently founded practice Rüüm. As a trans woman, she has advocated for a visibly lived identity.
Nagy Makhlouf, an ENSA Paris-Malaquais graduate and current Ph.D. candidate at ALICE and RIOT labs, redefines the political economy of suburban housing in the USA and its societal impact.