Reading our otherness together
Reading our otherness together
Parity Group and the Chair of Architecture and CareSEMINAR6th Mar 2024 17:30 CETBaubibliothek, ETH hönggerberg
Books have been an essential tool to understand the world we inhabit in its wider context. The words we use, the many languages in which we communicate create a framework where the past, present and possible futures collide. And within this framework, one of the most radical ways of embracing otherness and learning to respectfully listen to other voices is by reading together. By reading aloud together we allow the configuration of new kinds of spaces where empathy, otherness and alterity prove stronger than ideologies.
By selecting readings that dismantle binary understandings of society—and the world at large—a reader will be assembled and distributed through the participants. Texts gathered in the reader are read aloud by participants, intended to provoke a contagion of knowledge by learning not only from the contents, but from the nuances, the accents, and the cadence of the different voices.