Labelled Autistic

Autisme refers to a broad range of conditions mediating the relationship of an individual with their surroundings and with others. It is characterised by challenging perceptive and social experiences but also provides unique ways of thinking and imagining the world. The project aims to design an educational building based on learnings from the experience of autism, providing a caring space that addresses the environment of cognitively diverse bodies.

A former office building in Altstetten is repurposed to welcome classes from the Volghausschule, from a crash course on kombucha-cultivating, karate to welding 101. The scheme provides spaces for people to learn and share their knowledge, given that hyperfocus on specific subjects or a deep interest and knowledge in an area is a common trait for people with autism.

The building access and circulation routes are designed to mitigate unexpected stimuli, ensuring a more readable and comfortable environment. Additionally, careful consideration is given to the distribution within the building, aiming to prevent undesired encounters.

The layout is organised along stimulus axes – auditory and visual aspects in depth, and olfactory experiences in length. The intensity of stimuli diminishes as we move upward in the building. The building also offers retreat spaces for individuals who may need a calm respite. Materiality takes a relevant role, offering different finishings to surfaces that enable haptic and proprioceptive feedback.

Project by: Paula-Marie Bugla, Paul Haas

Teaching team: Anna Puigjaner, Jo Baan, Lisa Maillard, Luis Úrculo, Pol Esteve Castello, He Shen

Spring 2023