Unclear Nuclear

Whether it’s your neighbour’s young daughter, a person who wasn’t able to give birth, a pensioner, adopted children; as humans, having common needs is what brings everyone together. Humans form a community where needs and satisfying needs is a constant currency of exchange.

We describe our own notion of family as: the individuals closest to us forming a cohesive unit, mutually attending to each other’s necessities and care. A family embodies a collective entity of members independently of their backgrounds, origins, age, and relations, while the notion of bond between each of them is centred. Within a family, the different individuals actively share material resources and financial assets, fostering a reliable support system within their home.

To transform the standardised family homes of Blauäcker 6-22, we propose reconfiguring the existing layout. The complex, comprising four 7-floor buildings with 35 apartments, typically caters to nuclear families. Our plan involves reshuffling floor plans, preserving key features like staircases and lifts while modifying living rooms and bedrooms to accommodate extended families.

The revamped homes feature communal areas accessible to at least 17 individuals, alongside personal spaces for chosen family members. Each unit boasts shared amenities such as kitchens and living rooms, promoting bonding and relaxation. From exterior extensions, reflecting internal shared spaces to centralised communal bathrooms, every aspect fosters a sense of community. This inclusive approach allows diverse family structures, like those in Shoplifters, to find a supportive environment, emphasising emotional closeness and collective engagement.

Project by: Charlotte Sörensen, Marina Täube, Cécile Mathieu

Teaching team: Anna Puigjaner, Jo Baan, Lisa Maillard, Luis Úrculo, Pol Esteve Castelló, He Shen

Design Studio: Autumn Semester